Static and Dynamic Routes in RedHat Linux
Static Routes To add a persistent static route in Redhat Enterprise Linux, simply create a file called “route-<interface><x>” in the /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ directory. Where <interface> is […]
Static Routes To add a persistent static route in Redhat Enterprise Linux, simply create a file called “route-<interface><x>” in the /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ directory. Where <interface> is […]
While browsing various useless articles on I happen to stumble on a interesting, opinionated article by software developer and podcaster, Bryan Lunduke and his […]
One night I had to restore my entire SQL database server from a SQL file, but it took me a while to find how to […]
If you like the following article and it has helped you out, please leave a comment and let other readers know of you success and […]
This is just a basic outline of the usage and function of the linux command-line command of CHKCONFIG. This command-line tool and be use in […]
In Fedora 9/10 & later, it is found that software called NetworkManager which is setup to help with Network configurations especially in the graphical interface […]
This is simply a quick reference to the Linux Init Runlevels. 0: Halt ( Shutdown the system )1: Single user mode2: Multi-user mode, not network […]
In the article ‘Top 10 Responses to Why Should I Use Linux?’, it runs through a selection of the most debated points to computers making […]
For the past few weeks I have been using another distribution of Linux called MintLinux. Mint Linux has been developed of the popular Ubuntu distribution […]