development java software

ProxCtrlJ v0.5 Update – Java Software Development Project

person encoding in laptop

Continuing on from my last post on my Java Software Development journey is the latest with my ProxCtrlJ project.

I’ve continued to work on this in my spare time which I’ve struggled with. My main issue at the moment is that I’ve been pulling back on working on it because I would be finding myself staying up too late and not getting enough sleep. So, the updates haven’t been as frequent.

However in this update, I’ve seen some progress in a lot of areas. This includes:

  • New Logo featuring the Jabiru bird instead of that previous mess that was generated from ChatGPT
  • Updates to the Create VM window form. More fields exist with some options spawning more options based on the user’s selection
  • Better display on JSON information being displayed from the Proxmox Node
  • The Tree of VMs now displays the VMs and their IDs, and is sorted in ID descending order
  • And more…

Check out my Youtube video to see more.

New Logo

The original logo was always meant as a placeholder and trial of being able to set the application logo and being able to show something in the taskbar of the OS. However, when it was displayed, it was hard to recognise and see when it was small. It made sense at the time, that it was showing “connectivity” like Proxmox, but really was terrible.

Old ChatGPT Logo
New Jabiru Logo

I chose the Jabiru as it was a Australian bird that was close enough to being Australian that started with a J. So, I went with that as good start of having an icon for the app. Running it a couple of times through ChatGPT, I was able to get a nice-looking logo for the app. Will it be the final one? Maybe, maybe not. But it’s something for now that I really like.

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