Error: Updating port forwarding for you router failed. Windows Home Server was unable to update port forwarding for your router. Your Web Site may not be available on the internet.
Those of you who a have a Windows Home Server may be receiving this message, even though you have already forwarded the ports in your router manually.
I have found that there are a lot of routers where UPnP doesn’t work properly and therefore left to manually set port forwarding yourself. And once done so, the home server does pass the remote access test, but still errors out.
This is what I did to fix it.
1) Verify your ports are in fact open for Ports 80 (HTTP), 443(HTTPS), 3389 (RDP), and 4125 (Remote Web Workplace).
2) Verify that your self has a Static IP Address on the local
network. Make sure it isn’t being assigned a IP using DHCP. Manually configure an IP Address into the server’s network card.
3) In your router, disable UPnP. And Apply the settings/changes.
4) Save the configuration and reboot the router to refresh.
5) On the Windows Home Server, Turn Off Remote Access. And the Turn ON remote access again. This will detect your router does not support the UPnP standard but does detect the correct ports being forwarded.
This should now be fixed. Please feel free to leave a comment or your experiences.
Brilliant! Thanks so much
Trying this right now. Had to manually add ports 80, 443 and 4125 to the router's config, but otherwise all went well.