Different people will call this feature different things like:
- Type to search
- Type to jump
- Instant Search
and more. But the feature I am talking about can be defined as the ability to start typing in a list and jump straight to an item.
For example, you have a list of item in your Outlook inbox, sorted by From/Sender. You want to skip to ‘S’ without scrolling. You press S on the keyboard, and the list will jump to the first item starting with S.
I had the issue today where this would work in some Outlook folders but not others.
I have found that this is not related to search but actually View settings. After attempting to re-index and everything like that I found that the following worked.
Under the View menu, select Advanced View Settings.
In the dialogue box, click to Reset Current View. This will reset all settings for View to default. Although this will require you re-modify any settings you made, but this will no resolve your Type to Search feature.
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